Why I will buy $50 Worth of Popcorn in 2012

Why I will buy $50 Worth of Popcorn in 2012

This Fall was a busy season at my house.  Late October, another knock at the door, brought another lesson in customer service (read about the first one here: What Are you Worth?). While I usually don’t entertain solicitors, when I heard the statement below...
Does Font Matter?

Does Font Matter?

I was speaking to my designer yesterday and she was critiquing the website we are about to launch.  She was ‘horrified’ that the webmaster and I had chosen two different font styles, serif and sans serif. “Does it really matter?” I asked....
Communication Breakdown?

Communication Breakdown?

Dominic  Basulto of the Washington Post uses four major occurences – the potenital closing of USPS branches, the push for Netflix to have customers download media instead of receive DVD’s, the rise of Google+  and the closing of Borders – to describe the end of...