write your story - refocus your marketing strategy


Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact.Robert McKee


How does this relate to marketing strategy?

In this world of instant connection, growing circles, friends and fans – all communicated through posts and tweets, companies want to capitalize on the currency of human connection.  What they have forgotten is that those tweets and posts need to tell a compelling story about them (aka their brand) in order for there to be any marketing strategy value.

Is your brand message clear, powerful and concise?

If the answer is no (or I don’t know!), then you need to get back to the heart of the story.  Start by asking yourself what matters to your clients/customers.

Then refocus your story (and marketing strategy) to include them.  Only then will the story you tell have meaning… and your ‘tell’ will become your ‘sell’!