Are you getting into the social media game? There’s a huge opportunity to amplify your brand and business connections with just the click of a button. Here’s where to start, and why you should repost your company’s content for the benefit of both you and your company.

Why repost your company’s content?

How to repost your companys content on social media girl using phone with hearts and likesOnly a very small portion of your company’s audience is seeing your content every time something new is shared. Publishing a piece of content just once means you’re missing out on most of the traffic and conversions it could generate. It’s like buying a new shirt and wearing it one time. The average lifespan of a tweet is 15 minutes or less. The average Facebook reach is around 6%. Boost this by resharing!

Resharing content on your personal or business profiles also means you spend less time coming up with content, and your company’s brand remains consistent.

Follow your company’s content

First, make sure you are following your company on all social media accounts. Often if your company is active on social media there will be a bar with social links somewhere on the website.

Repost from your company’s social media accounts, including:
• LinkedIn
• Facebook
• Twitter

Here’s how to re-share a post on LinkedIn, how to re-share a post on Facebook, and how to re-Tweet

Reposting to personal social profiles

This is only recommended on business-related profiles, such as LinkedIn or a Facebook business page (this can have your name on it and be only for business-related posts).

Why update your personal profiles? People would usually follow a personal profile rather than a brand. Clients/customers want to engage with other people, not faceless companies.

Repost Your Company’s Content - Man on a laptop looking at a personal social profile - webSome opportunities include promoting:
• Sales
• Brand campaigns
• Community events/fundraisers
• Showing support for a local cause
• Conference attendance
• Networking events
• Employees speaking at events
• Company featured on the news/PR events


How to make it seem authentic:
• Share achievements and milestones first as “news”
• Add a personal spin by writing captions
• Use an emotional pull (Example: This product changed my life or Our CEO is speaking at this event, she’s had a positive impact on my community, etc.)

Here are some tips on improving your LinkedIn profile and engagement.

Imagery is key

How to Repost Your Company’s Content to Amplify Your Brand and Business Connections - smiling woman with a yellow background - webPeople love seeing photos and videos in their feeds, and this gets a higher engagement rate than text. Imagery is especially engaging when there are people featured, so highlight client satisfaction or employees hard at work. Share out your company’s posts that highlight imagery, especially with client interaction.

Reshare photos and videos to your own profile with custom captions. Images can have an 85% interaction rate, and they can generate up to a 35% increase in shares. Take advantage of this by sharing out imagery as often as possible.

Be active in your company’s network

Does your company have connections with professional organizations, annual conferences, etc.? Do they volunteer at specific community events, sponsor sport teams, or donate goods or money? Make sure you keep track of all of these and repost content that shows off your company’s connections.

How often should I repost?

Try to post when your audience is online to maximize engagement and views. Ask your marketing specialist, or choose a time when people are at home and scrolling. According to Hubspot Marketing , B2C businesses should aim for between 11 a.m. to 2 p.m, while B2B companies should aim for outside of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Try post during this time for one week and see what kind of engagement you get. If it’s low, try a different time. Check out this CoSchedule article for more insight.

Make sure you’re following other businesses or organizations that interact with your company and engage with their posts.

Reposting on LinkedIn

How to Repost Your Company’s Content to Amplify Your Brand and Business Connections - Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter icons - webLinkedIn’s feed algorithm promotes those who post frequently. Most advice suggests at least 1–2 times per day.

LinkedIn is primarily used while people are at work, as an acceptable workplace use of social media. Because of this, it’s advised that you post during normal working hours.

This professional social network is a great opportunity for lead generation and closing sales. Make sure you have a good headline to grab attention and keep your brand voice consistent.

Reposting on Facebook

It’s recommended that you post to Facebook 1-2 times per day. One study suggests posting between 1-4pm, but it depends on your audience. Facebook’s analytics tool will help you figure out when is best to post. Log in to your Facebook Business page, click on Insights, and select Posts to check out your engagement numbers.

Reposting on Twitter

Twitter is constantly changing, with a high amount of traffic. Some studies suggest Tweeting up to 7 times per day. Aim for 2-3 to start, and work your way up if your business offers enough content. The most retweets happen within an hour, so more is better.

Use hashtags to be found by relevant users. From your Twitter dashboard, click on the #Explore tab. Select “trending” to get a list of what’s trending in your region, and try get your hashtags to match up. Check out this article for more information about hashtags. Some popular Twitter hashtags involve weekly trends, like #ThrowbackThursday and #MondayMotivation. Use these to your advantage.

Get Reposting!

Amplifying your brand and business connections doesn’t have to be hard, or time-consuming! Social media is free and quick to use with the right knowledge.

We hope you can use some of these handy tips on using social media to repost your company’s content, getting your brand out into the world more quickly than ever. Comment below if you’ve found any useful tips that work for you or contact us today!